Data Discovery and Classification

Finding and classifying data accurately and at scale is the foundation for effective enterprise data security. 


The Bedrock Platform gives you the ability to rapidly and efficiently scale up to petabytes of data thanks to:

Achieve Complete Data Visibility with Serverless, Agent-Free Discovery

  • Bedrock’s Outpost Analyzer uses your existing APIs to automatically discover datasets – structured or unstructured – across datastores, accounts, and infrastructure providers.
  • Set up your accounts with Bedrock’s Outpost Analyzer and experience hassle-free management on a scalable basis, agent-free, with the assurance that your data stays within your environment.
AI Powered Reasoning 2

Enhance Security with AI-Powered Business Context Understanding

  • Bedrock’s AI Reasoning Engine is central to understanding the meaning of your data and its material value to your business. 
  • Process metadata from your environment through the AI Reasoning Engine for rapid and accurate discovery, categorization, and classification. 
  • Assess your data against a multi-dimensional set of criteria to alert on security or compliance issues, and determine prioritization for remediation based on data context and risk factors.
Serverless Discovery 1

Unify Data Management: IAAS, PAAS, SAAS, Identity

  • Bedrock covers it all: unstructured, semi-structures, and structured data across all cloud platforms, many SaaS apps, and datastores like Snowflake and MongoDB.
  • Data asset inventory includes sensitivity, classification, topics, lineage, relationships and other critical elements for higher accuracy and faster mean-time-to-detection for security and compliance issues.
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Our platform delivers a range of compelling benefits including:

  • No rule-based classification: Learns business-critical data topics automatically, improving classification accuracy​.
  • Context-based categorization. The platform classifies data using the regulatory categories, topics, and document types relevant to your business. 
  • Scalability and speed: Bedrock analyzes petabytes of data in minutes using patented technology like adaptive sampling​.
  • Low OpEx: Serverless architecture eliminates accuracy-cost tradeoffs, enabling frequent scans at lower operational costs​.
  • Complete privacy: Bedrock processes data onsite in your own environment and sends only metadata to the cloud​.
  • Metadata lake: Discovered data, classifications, and dozens of other elements go into the industry’s only security metadata lake, ensuring higher accuracy and contextualization for other security tools for faster mean-time-to-detection.
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