Data Contextualization

Businesses need to surface precise, prioritized insights to contextualize data from security systems and enhance decision-making for cloud and security tools at speed.


Leverage Bedrock’s data enrichment information for:

Enhance CNAPP/CSPM with Data Sensitivity Context for Prioritized Remediation

  • The Bedrock Platform provides context around data sensitivity, entitlement impact, and more to help prioritize CSPM remediation and slash mean-time-to-detection.
  • Transcend typical CNAPP add-ons with a solution that’s focused solely on data security and powered by our MetaData Lake for unmatched automation and precision.
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Enrich SIEM Accuracy with Metadata-Driven Insights

  • Enrich your SIEM information by leveraging metadata for more accurate results without adding petabytes of needless logs and expense.
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Automate DLP with Seamless Data Discovery and Classification

  • Automate DLP and eliminate human error with a platform that seamlessly discovers and classifies data before integrating these insights as labels directly into your existing DLP systems for robust endpoint enforcement.
  • Data asset inventory includes sensitivity, classification, topics, lineage, relationships and other critical elements for higher accuracy and faster mean-time-to-detection for security and compliance issues.
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Applied to data contextualization, our platform enables you to:

  • Enhanced ROI: Boost the performance of existing investments in CNAPP/CSPM, SIEM, and DLP systems.
  • No manual oversight: Replace outdated models for tuning and updating labels with AI-powered automation, reducing manual errors.
  • No data protection gaps: With metadata-driven insights that turbocharge your existing security operations capabilities. 
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